Frankly, I have never collaborated with someone on a task online like I have in the most recent assignment. It was fun. Despite all the challenges we had: power blackout here and there, network on and off, grasping of the whole comic concept and idea - to mention but a few, we had to work within time frames to see to it that the work is done. My partner was very instrumental in bringing pieces from here and there together and helped me see things I had actually missed. In all we each augmented one another and as the saying goes "Two heads are better than one". The important thing though was not the result but the process to the result. This is because in all this I got to know more about Simon (my partner) than about comic design itself. I got to know that the most important thing is developing a collaboration and valuing one another's effort in the process to produce a lasting network which can serve as a platform for future tasks assigned. As for the potential this has...
The tools contained here were developed through a partnership of UNESCO, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Microsoft and the Ministries of Education of a number of countries in the Caribbean and Pacific committed to enhancing Teacher Education. []