I have a few resource websites that I want to recommend. In my analysis, I have chosen to consider the following key elements as criteria for gauging their potential to enhance teaching and learning: Authenticity and credibility: Is the site legitimate? Is the authorship recognized? Who are referring to these sites? Are these referees of significant caliber? If a site is not authentic and credible then whatever it has to offer may not be accepted broadly. You may be able to identify some useful content in it but not all academicians may buy in. Relevance: Does the site have what I want; clearly brought out without any unnecessary jargon? Can my learners' class level of learning match that of the website's content? If a website cannot meet the need, then however fine looking and credible it may be it cannot be beneficial in bringing change. Organisation: In today's world this is a key factor. If the website is not easily browsable then learners can not easily get wha...
The tools contained here were developed through a partnership of UNESCO, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Microsoft and the Ministries of Education of a number of countries in the Caribbean and Pacific committed to enhancing Teacher Education. [https://dev.col.org/news/champion-ict-integration-teaching-and-learning-21st-century/]