I can now confidently conclude that the Assure Lesson Plan model is indeed one that I can not do without if I am to successfully design a Technology rich lesson. In the last lesson I have discovered a number of ways to make my learners engaged in the lesson in ways I orignally was not doing namely: Placing them in groups allows them to more confidently share their views which they would have not done in a large class due to fear. Allowing learners to have hands on experience with the desktop computers as compared to using the projector or chalkboard to illustrate concepts. Making the learners have a first time experience of a new activity (e-titration with iLab) which if done in a real laboratory for the first time could be potentially harmful to learners. Allowing the learners to critique their own work across groups an make recommendations to their peers. Allowing learners to share their own work online and go a head to get hands on experience on the internet. iLab applica...
The tools contained here were developed through a partnership of UNESCO, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Microsoft and the Ministries of Education of a number of countries in the Caribbean and Pacific committed to enhancing Teacher Education. [https://dev.col.org/news/champion-ict-integration-teaching-and-learning-21st-century/]