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Course #3 has generally set me well aligned with what the feature of lesson planning looks like. This course was generally less demanding compared to the previous one but had its ways of stretching you to limits. A reluctant student can actually have significant challenges in this course because it requires you to apply what you know as a trained teacher in the context of ASSURE (acronym for a list of things you need to do when preparing for a lesson i.e. lesson planning). This rather comprehensive model enables one to clearly envision ones lesson and probably more accurately discern pitfalls in the lesson or, on the bright side, look forward to a really exciting lesson. My knowledge in lesson planning has been rather shallow in the light of the ASSURE model of lesson planning. I could say that the only aspect of ASSURE model I identified from my previous list was the lesson objectives and methods of teaching but now I see the importance of Analysing learners, Stating objectives, Selecting the right media/materials/methods, use the media selected, request student participation and Evaluate learning.

The ASSURE model augments what was learnt in the previous lessons in course #3 which covered the use of different software applications like the common MS-OFFICE applications and how to get legitimate information from the internet. These lessons enable one to effortlessly manipulate offline and online applications and make effective use of them in lesson design. A very important thing was learning how to detect a website which provides credible information as opposed to one which does not. I have now started curating and gathering my information with ability to categorise this information in genre which I can easily access and use later on; Not to mention share with my colleagues and friends.

Above all is the greater opportunity  that I have got to discuss a number of course related materials and issues with my colleagues doing the same course. Course #3 gave even greater opportunity to work with colleagues in completing tasks given. I think there is need for me to make even more use of this group interaction if I am to learn more. I can now rest ASSURED!


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