GROUP WORK AND WIKIS In my previous article I shared how much I had learnt about bookmarking and curating clearly describing the whole process of curating as I have understood it. The processing of curating being a very key element in building my Professional Learning Network, makes me more confident now that I am moving towards my professional goals. Working as a network is the essence of this whole Professional Learning Network thing. Today I have improved on this greatly. Having colleagues contribute and give their views on your contributions is indeed exciting. I no longer feel lost as an individual seeking Professional Development. I am now in position to use wikis to make contributions and changes to content about specific areas of interest. We should have more colleagues contributing to the course wiki My colleagues have been very resourceful in helping me out. First of all, their appreciation of my contribution to the whole discussion gives me fulfillment a...
The tools contained here were developed through a partnership of UNESCO, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Microsoft and the Ministries of Education of a number of countries in the Caribbean and Pacific committed to enhancing Teacher Education. []