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6.5.4 Reflect: Role playing in PBL

It is in this lesson of the course that I have eventually come to fully comprehend what Project Based Learning is all about. Its about applying all the skills the teacher has learnt to ensure that there is full engagement of the learner during the teaching-learning process.  In order to engage learners we have to be creative, imaginative, and innovative. We strive to: Draw in the students' interest to the topic,Capture their imagination in the real-life scenario of the task, Engage them cognitively through real-life responsibilities and role playing. This is a very exciting teaching - learning experience in which both the learner and teacher are highly enthused in the process.
It is needless to mention that the entire project will give the learner an early exposure into applying the skills, so far built in their school life, in real "work-like" experiences. For instance, a learner may get engaged in a real debate to pass a controversial law; participate in a human rights campaign, design a vehicle, plane or a machine element; solve a community health or social problem; to mention but a few.
The modal of Project Based Learning provides for role playing in which the learners are given the opportunity to select, from a list, roles that are most suitable for them to perform. A teacher's task here is to plan out everything in a way that provides for the learners to "play-out" the roles of the project in a manner challenging enough for them to learn from the experience. The roles should be challenging enough to prompt a high cognitive experience but not to difficult to frustrate them.


  1. "it is applying all the teacher has learnt about to engage the learner during the teaching-learning process". The way you wrote this is misleading. You actually mean that during the design of PBL the teacher has to apply his/her skills. It could be misread as the teacher transferring information to the students, and I know this is not what you meant.

  2. That's right Gerald. I meant all the skills the teacher has learnt to make learning centred at the learner. I appreciate this observation. Thank you.


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