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The wiki on classroom management 7.2.4

Building knowledge together is a very fulfilling experience. As you embark on this hilarious task you get to know that the proverbial two heads are actually better than one! What your eyes could have missed can be captured by one of those many eyes that are working with you to bring the wiki (that is if you are using a wiki) to its final glorious state.
It is important, though, that you know your role in the activity; more as an inspiration than a sole source for ideas and knowledge. Your content could have been written with 'careful consideration' and may appear to be 'without flaw' until someone actually comes and, probably, erases it or 'edits' it for the 'better'. Inasmuch as it may seem a blow to your ego, it is worth considering this new view point as fresh insight, with new perspectives and matter, that could be valuable and relevant; before jumping to unrealistic conclusions of doing uncalled for 'edits'. Many at times, after reading the new 'edit', I gain a perspective I had totally not had any insight on before. Awesome, isn't it?
I also believe that on the other side of the stick lies the fact that we should not go on forever with edits but agree on certain outlined points, respecting them as what can be used if they bring out the point we seek at least satisfactorily clearly. It may not be perfect but it can do if we have to move on to other things quickly. Otherwise we stand the risk of painting the same concept with only different phrases which do not really add any clarity or new matter into the subject being built on.
I have been inspired by one revelation regarding classroom management; the one about the director being the only one in the orchestra who does not hold an instrument and yet seems to get the credit for how well the music is played on each member of the orchestra's instrument and how beautiful the symphony sounds when his skilled workmanship blends the pieces of sound together with flawless timing to bring about that beautiful sound of music.
A teachers role in managing the classroom is more less like that of a director of music - carefully identifying the individual learners needs, strengths, and challenges and seeing how best the classroom (considering the relevant learning tools and approaches being employed) can be arranged and infused with an ambiance that greatly supports learning to take place.
The art of classroom management deploys a conglomerate comprising clear objectives, learner engagement, appropriate technology, parent engagement, fun and play, motivators, enriched learner environments, relevant to the learner materials etc. This conglomerate must be deployed whole and frequently evaluated and enriched with more aspects for one to realise the ideal classroom atmosphere.
As far as I am concerned, I believe my 'conglomerate' needs more enrichment which enrichment I hope to harness from my Professional Learning Network.


  1. You wrote an excellent analysis of the pros and cons and frustrations of the wiki.


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