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How I would integrate search literacy and information literacy -- 4.6.4

Looking at how I would integrate search literacy and information literacy, I am drawn to believe that the first step would be to make an attempt to change the mindsets of those who are going to get involved in this integration. Change them to the mindset that will embrace the integration of course. This is because no clear achievement can be made in this line unless those I am going to work with (including myself) have the will power to see these innovations coming to pass. Once those minds are changed for the 'good' then we can get to work.

It will be important to ensure that all skills needed to interact with computers and/or any media we are going to use are mastered and the learners are proficient in the use of these tools (I am assuming that the technology and facilities we need are already in place). Later, use of relevant applications and the browsers must also be mastered. The skills of the learners can be improved as they get along.

Next is to ensure that the learners know how to safely access the internet and avoid certain dangers online. The most important part is seeing to it that the learners master the art of searching for and identifying credible information from credible websites by use of the right website evaluation tools.
Having realised what parts of the whole bring about the required result of integrating search literacy and information literacy, it is important that we also look at the mechanism and overarching systems that will guarantee that these literacies are integrated. One is already mentioned (changing mindsets) the others include:

  • Designing clear guidelines and direction manuals on how to find information on the internet which can be used by both teacher colleagues and the learners.
  • Ensuring that research tasks given to learners have aspects that prompt the learners to put into practice their search skills using prominent search engines and also go ahead to vet their search results for credibility.
  • Making performance in information search skills part of the final grade scores which are reflected in learners end of term grades. My learners are very keen on what appears on their report cards.
  • Appraising staff on how they and their learners have performed in the area of search literacy and information literacy. Staff, like students, are keen on whatever rates them as good performers. 
This is easier said than done and therefore alot of hands on work will be needed with less talk.


  1. Well done on maintaining an excellent standard of reflection in your blog.


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