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Reflecting on Media Literacy 4.5.4

This has been an interesting journey through Media Literacy. Just when I thought I would not be prompted anymore to think a little deeper about the view I have concerning different phenomena in teaching and learning, I have just come across media literacy "reloaded"; The integration of which, into the teaching learning process, being of very high importance. I believe that media literacy can be integrated into the teaching learning process in the following ways:

Making learners think critically as one facilitates learning. This can be done by making them know that media can be interpreted differently and that meanings of images, sounds, etc. do not really need to be universally standardized. Flexibility in choosing the most appropriate media source for driving a particular point home should be encouraged at this point.

When I usually challenge my learners to carry out research using media (media search) on a particular topic, it goes a long way in integrating media literacy in the T/L process since the learner will explore different media as s/he uses this media to find all relevant information s/he is looking for.

As I sit back and listen to view points coming from my learners, I can clearly detect how the media has greatly influenced the way our learners perceive a particular phenomenon. This can guide me as a teacher on the best approaches to employ in handling different concepts.

Varying the sources of information usually, generally, exposes the learner to different media e.g. If I sent the learner to use a picture in a textbook, download a video on youtube, analyse an audio on facebook etc.the learners' exposure will definitely stimulate the learning process.

Finally, looking at a particular topic and seeing how presentation of that topic in media has had impact across history and across cultures will also greatly advise on how the best approaches for respective ethnic groups can be addressed.


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