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Social Media 5.6.4

Following a lot of research, it has been concluded that the choice to implement any classroom technology should be based on sound learning theory and should support a specific aspect of the curriculum. Teachers should have the backing and support of school leadership and have received prior training in use of technology tools to facilitate student learning. In addition, they should gather data to ensure that use of the technology is having the intended positive effects on students. Social media has been debated in a number of education circles but it is becoming clearer everyday that social media platforms are doing a splendid job in furthering lesson effectiveness. I have personally taken interest in Facebook and in a recent activity engaged my learners (who, ideally, identified Facebook as the platform of their choice - mainly for the fact that it is easily accessible); and in this engagement had them explain the significance of using social media as a classroom tool. The following observations were made:
  • Learners have a high passion for social media and many of them are already using it to share information even on what they have learnt in the classroom. They are able to upload pictures, make comments, share opinions, follow links and work using several Facebook apps.
  • A combination of several other platforms like youtube, whatsapp, blogger may be used to make the reporting more effective when working in groups.
  • There is a specific need to keep learners focused on the task at hand and also to ensure that social networks are not abused during the exercise. Cyberbullying should be checked.
  • Where resources are scarce i.e. devices are not enough to ensure 1:1 ration during sessions; then group work and working in shifts can be opted for. The teacher should ensure that the groups and group members are engaged and that collaboration is constructive.
Integration of social media will therefore involve, but not be limited to, grouping learners in carefully planned for groups, assigning tasks to these groups, assigning devices and accessibility times for the different groups and/or individuals in the groups, guiding the learners through as they carry out their social media tasks but allowing learning to take a more natural course, and following through to see to it that learning objectives are realised.
In all, I am not doubtful that social media can address the different needs across the Academic divides.


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