We have been trying to find common ground while doing a kind of cost benefit analysis of each of the two directions we should be considering i.e. Technology and innovative learning visavis Construction of new learning spaces. It is important to reach a consensus now considering that both options have their pros and cons. Technology having to by-pass costs of construction and construction by pass those of technology and innovation. The costs here, of course, analysed looking at both the money that has to sink into each of the projects and the adaptability to current and future relevant pedagogical trends. Agreeing on a plausible approach can be a very daunting experience because in pursuing one end you have to be willing to part with the benefits of the other. But this should not be the way to look at it because you can actually experience both as you carefully lay down a plan that gradually integrates technology into the current 'four walls', virtually break...
The tools contained here were developed through a partnership of UNESCO, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Microsoft and the Ministries of Education of a number of countries in the Caribbean and Pacific committed to enhancing Teacher Education. [https://dev.col.org/news/champion-ict-integration-teaching-and-learning-21st-century/]